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Hepatitis C Symptoms - Stages Of This Disease And Over 10 Signs You Could Have It! הפטיטיס C


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Hepatitis C is a viruses that is extremely tiny and not even really alive; they are just a little bit of DNA with some protection.

They also can't reproduce on their own, but need a host to infect. In fact this little demon actually is very good at reproducing and can do it very fast. In the medical community it has been estimated that each day around 1 trillion replications of the hepatitis C virus can be made in a person.

The term hepatitis refers to a medical condition of inflammation of the liver, and this virus can cause it. Inflammation really is when the body tries to heal itself, but ends up damaging a lot of stuff. The only way a person can get infected with the virus is from blood to blood contact like the HIV virus. .

When the virus enters the bloodstream it makes its way towards the liver. The liver is about the size of a football and its job is to clean the blood. Stuff like caffeine, alcohol and toxins get in the blood and the liver acts like a filter sort of a like an oil filter on a car that cleans oil.

It starts to grow and the immune system sensing the threat sends in an army to fight it off and that is when the inflammation occurs. The reason this inflammation is bad is because it damages the liver. Over time it causes scarring and the medical term is cirrhosis. If this cirrhosis takes place the liver starts to get bigger, just like inflammation makes a bump with a pimple and swelling with an injury.

Eventually liver cells start to die off and form scar tissue that clog up the pathway that blood travels, which causes all kinds of problems.

For instance, when anything bad happens to our health the very first indicator would be pain right? Well the liver is located in the upper part of the stomach region and if you notice a lot of pain there, then that could be a sign of hepatitis C. Like I mentioned, the liver gets inflamed and this process leads to an enlargement of this organ that you might be able to notice.

Other symptoms really have to do with the liver failing at its job, and blood not getting filtered. Remember blood carries oxygen that helps various organs do their job, so initial symptoms could be weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss. Impurities in the blood could lead to dark colored urine, pale or bloody looking stool. In fact looking down at our stool can give us a lot of indicators of our health.

If a lot of toxins and bile are in the bloodstream it can turn the skin, eyes and nails a yellowish color. This type of condition is known as Jaundice, and frequently occurs with patients that have hepatitis.

When things get really bad in the liver the symptoms get worse. One of the many functions of the liver is that it has a blood clotting function, which stops bleeding. Since this isn't working properly a person could bruise and bleed easily, while their blood vessels easily break leading to a spider web appearance under the skin.

Itching can result from deposits of bile salt under the skin, and muscle loss can take place because the liver doesn't provide good nutrients. Next the brain can get a lot of ammonia, which is supposed to be filtered out by the liver and leads to confusion and eventually a coma.

The best defense against this ailment would be by not getting it in the first place, because only blood to blood contact gives it to someone. Next up the immune system can actually fight off the disease, but according to Stanford University only 15 to 20 percent of people are capable of terminating the disease naturally. If the disease gets too entrenched a liver transplant is the only way to eliminate this illness.

The good news is that if you build up your immune system you could potentially fight off this disease. This is done by eating a healthy diet, not getting too stressed out, getting enough rest and taking your vitamins. Next there are tons of herbal remedies that can improve your disease fighting abilities. I'm not going to go over all these herbs, but I can point you in the right direction.

I've written a free guide all about choosing dietary supplements for better health. It talks about herbal remedies that you should be considering and why. Also, not all supplements are safe and there are some crappy products out there. This guide can show someone how to identify a bad product from a good one and a lot more. To view this free guide simply click on the link https://utahtexans.com/
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הפטיטיס C תסמינים, הפטיטיס C אבחון, הפטיטיס C טיפול
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