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Hepatitis A Symptoms -- 10 Signs That Someone Could Have It! הפטיטיס A


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Today I'm going to be talking about hepatitis a symptoms, what this ailment really is and ideas on preventing and treating it.

Hapatitis A is a viral infection that attempts to harm a person's liver.

I like to call this the poop virus. Do you know why I call it this? It's because the most common way someone gets the virus is due to eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated with poop.

What is interesting is that the symptoms of hepatitis A don't even become noticeable for a person until around 2 to 6 weeks, according to the CDC in America. A person could experience unusual fatigue, nausea and a loss of appetite.

There can also be pain in the lower ride side of the stomach area. Do you know what is located there? Yep the liver is there.

There could be some muscle discomforts, a fever and as the liver doesn't do it's job properly of filtering waste, more problems. For example one of the liver's job is to remove something known as bilirubin from the blood. This is just a byproduct from breaking down calories into usable energy, almost like smog is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels.

Bilirubin gives pee, it's yellow color and poop it's brown color. If the liver doesn't do it's job from hepatitis A too much bilirubin can build up in the blood. This will give the skin and eyes a yellowish look. Also the color of urine and poop could change and it could be much darker.

In fact looking at your stools occasionally can tell you a lot about your health. It's also possible for someone to have the virus and experience no symptoms, so the only way to truly know if you have the illness is to get tested by a medical professional.

The great news is that once someone has become infected with the hepatitis A virus, there system builds up an immunity to it so, antibidodies they probably will never get it again. It's just like if you get the chicken pox once your immune system builds up a defense to it, so you never get it again.

More good news is a lot of health experts feel that this version of hepatitis is the least dangerous. According to the CDC almost all people who get Hepatitis A recover fully and don't have any serious liver damage. The bad news is that they can feel sick for a long period of time, depending on their immune system and digestive health.

It is true someone can experience liver failure and death, but it's very rare. The best way to not get hepatitis A is to get the vaccine that was developed in the 1990's. Also to be careful of what you eat and drink.

Next up it doesn't hurt to build your immune system and strengthen your digestive system. You can make your immune system stronger by washing your hands a lot, drinking tons of fluids and getting enough rest.

There are also various herbs and supplements to that can make your immune system as strong as Hercules. He was the human that was gifted with superhuman strength.

When it comes to your digestive system various fruits and vegetables have enzymes that can be very helpful. There is also probiotics in yogurt and something called prebiotics.

Probiotics the stuff in yogurt adds good bacteria to your digestive system. Prebiotics come from the skin of kiwis and stimulate the reproduction of good bacteria. If your wondering which one is better, prebiotics is around 10 times better, but they are both helpful.

To get prebiotics as well as some herbal remedies I recommend various dietary supplements. To make things a little easier for you I've created a video guide about buying these products. The fact is dietary supplements are unregulated in many countries and this means it's easy for companies to make crappy products.

This guide can simplify the process of buying them, and give you some tips on what to look for. It also talks about herbal medicine and some additional alternative medicine. Oh, and the video guide I created is completely free so why not check it out? You can learn more by clicking on the link https://texasvitamins.com/go/youtube.html .
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