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Craniosynostosis And Its Treatment | Boston Children’s Hospital קרניוסינוסטוזיס

Learn more about craniosynostosis: https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/craniosynostosis/overview

Using sketches and a model, Boston Children’s Hospital Neurosurgeon-in-Chief Mark Proctor, MD, explains the different forms of craniosynostosis and its treatment.

In craniosynostosis, the bones of an infant’s skull close too soon, potentially leaving the brain not enough room to grow. As Dr. Proctor explains in our Pediatric Playbook series, craniosynostosis can sometimes be treated with minimally invasive endoscopic surgery combined with a helmet, but sometimes requires complex open surgery to rearrange the skull bones.

For more information, contact the Cleft and Craniofacial Center at 617-355-6309 (international: +1-617-355-5209).

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