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Pneumothorax Nursing, Pathophysiology, Interventions | Open Vs Closed Vs Tension Pneumothorax

Pneumothorax nursing interventions, treatment, pathophysiology NCLEX review for the different types of pneumothorax: open pneumothorax vs closed pneumothorax vs tension pneumothorax. A pneumothorax is the collection of air inside the intrapleural space which causes the lung to collapse. There are various types of pneumothorax. An open pneumothorax (also called sucking chest wound) is an opening in the chest wall (from a gun shot, stabbing etc.) that causes a passage of outside air betwen the intrapleural space which allows air to pass back and forth during inspiration and expiration. A closed pneumothorax is when air leaks into the intrapleural space without any outside wound, hence the chest wall and pleural stay intact (could be from a rib fracture where the bony part of the bone punctures the lung which causes air to be released into the intrapleural space). A tension pneumothorax is a complication of a pneumothorax due to an open or closed pneumothorax. It is a medical emergency. It happens when the opening to the intrapleural space creates a one-way valve which causes air to collect in the intrapleural space and the air cannot escape. This causes major compression on the lungs and heart leading to a mediastinum shift and tracheal deviation. Pneumothorax nursing interventions include maintaining chest tube drainage system, monitoring lungs sounds, vital signs etc. Don't forget to watch the video on chest tube care for nurses.

Quiz: https://www.registerednursern.com/pneumothorax-nclex-questions/

Chest Tube Care NCLEX review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB-CqwMyrTM

Lecture Notes: https://www.registerednursern.com/pneumothorax-nclex-review-notes/

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