נצפו לאחרונה

Lichen Planus ילפת שטוחה

Less than two percent of the general population suffers from oral lichen planus, an uncomfortable and chronic condition characterized by lesions that form in the mouth and skin. Its not unusual for lichen planus sufferers to know no one else with the disease.

Thats one reason for the popularity of Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor College of Dentistrys online International Oral Lichen Planus Support Group, a web-based support group that brings together sufferers from throughout the world. The on-line organization serves as a resource for patients, family members and practitioners.

The site also features periodic live online discussions that link lichen planus sufferers with faculty in HSC-BCDs Stomatology Center and guest faculty from other dental schools around the world.

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274 צפיות
ילפת שטוחה תמנם, ילפת שטוחה אבן, ילפת שטוחה טיפול
מחפש מטפל בתחום? כנס לאינדקס מטפלים ויועצים מומלצים מבית אלטרנטיבלי
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