נצפו לאחרונה

Allergy Advice : How To Treat Mold Allergies אלרגיה לעובש ופטריות

Mold allergies tend to worsen in dark, damp and moist areas. Treat your mold allergies with help from a renowned medical expert in this free video clip.

Expert: Dr. Robert Eitches, MD, FAAAAI
Contact: www.dreitches.info
Bio: Robert Eitches, MD, FAAAAI (Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology) earned an AB at Princeton University and an MD at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse.
Filmmaker: Rob Hashemi

Series Description: Allergies don't have to be so debilitating that they decrease your quality of living. Get advice on allergies and how to deal with them with help from a renowned medical expert in this free video series.
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